KOI Creative Space — Coworking Thunder Down Under

Coworking Thunder Down Under

Coworking spaces are very trendy right now, with the ‘space for hire’ concept taking off not only across the world but in Australia’s capital cities. But co-working offices are more than just renting desk space.

They’ve evolved into like-minded communities and little ecosystems, a place where startups can establish connections, build networks and grow without the overheads that come with traditional office space. Many coworking spaces are vast open-plan set ups, and it’s a safe bet you will find a ping-pong table in the majority of them. But different set-ups will work better for different professionals.

#Revolver coworking (Prahran, Victoria)

Revolver Coworking has 15 offices of various sizes, an in-house coffee shop, casual lounges, gallery space, event space and private meeting rooms. After office hours, Revolver Coworking turns into a versatile hub hosting everything from seminars, workshops, parties and launches, as well as featuring a range of regular entrepreneurial events.

#depo8 (Prahran, Victoria)

Depo8 are a friendly bunch who love embracing the many awesome coffee, lunch and drinking spots in the area. Of course, this is on top of all the great work they do. Their aim is to help businesses in their early stages. Whether you’re a freelancer, a startup, or a company setting up a new office there is a range of options for you.

#The Arcade (Melbourne, Victoria)

The Arcade is Australia's first not-for-profit, collaborative workspace created specifically for game developers and creative companies using game methodologies and technologies. The Arcade has come to epitomise the value of a collaborative work environment in which knowledge is shared freely and residents have a genuine care for those around them.

#The Cluster (Melbourne, Victoria)

The Cluster provides over 2500m² of office space (which includes Australia’s first coworking Penthouse) with both shared work areas and private offices, venue spaces, beautiful boardrooms and meeting rooms, reliable fast internet, social and networking events, investor networks, receptionists, telephony, IT support and incredible views. The Cluster has a large, diverse and friendly business community.

#The Commons (South Melbourne, Victoria)

The Commons is an ecosystem of businesses and individuals looking to connect, focus and grow. Whether you need high speed internet, fully-equipped studios, big boardrooms, or beer on tap, they provide the environment, the tools the connections and the space your business needs to work.

#Common Room (Sydney, NSW)

Since 2012, they have been at the forefront of coworking in Sydney. They are business owners who love working with like minded people, and designing spaces to attract and keep them.

#The Loft Project (Sunshine Coast, QLD)

The Loft Project is a collaborative working space home to a diverse community of local and visiting creatives, techies, entrepreneurs and businessfolks, changemakers, downshifters and truth-seekers. It’s a co-working space with private serviced offices (limited) where you can focus on your work and immerse yourself in the most productive environment, with a strong network of like-minded, passionate people.

#SouthStart (Adelaide, South Australia)

SouthStart is more than just a space, it’s where tech startups and entrepreneurs get work done, keep the team happy, be part of a community and find co-founders and new friends. The space offers some 350 square metres across two areas, their main cowork hall, three meeting rooms, a board room and dedicated events space capable of hosting up to 50 people. It’s comfortable, secure and one of the best locations in town to build your tech startup.

#Evolution Precinct (Gladesville, NSW)

The newest Coshare Workspace in the heart of Gladesville offering a hub of activity to inspire, connect and grow your business. They have a range of services including warehousing and affordable courier service for those growing e-commerce businesses.

#Independent Studios (Prahran, Melbourne)

Independent Studios was born in 2010 and is a coworking space for independent thinkers. They inspire each other, they learn and laugh with each other. They believe in the power of the community which consists of almost 100 creatives. Independent people who like to collaborate in a space with the right energy, where creativity is commercially recognized and where they motivate each other to think different.