KOI Creative Space — 29+ Work From Home Statistics

29+ Work From Home Statistics

this post was taken from GORemotely blog - interesting stuff! You can view the original post here

The new century brought new challenges, but it also provided the population with technological advancements that were unimaginable until the very end of the 20th century. One part of the global population recognized these new opportunities, which latest remote work statistics confirm.

It is already obvious that some people like working in their pajamas, and their number is increasing every year. It looks like the new generation of workers prefers to manage time by themselves, which might be the main reason why they’re deciding to work remotely. 

The following is just a sampling of a complete list of revealing stats aggregated from across the web - make sure to check out the complete list here!

1. The number of remote workers has increased by 140%

Working from home statistics for 2018 show a growth of 140% since 2005, which is 10 times faster than the growth of the regular workforce or those who are self-employed. This means that the job market will change dramatically in the years to come. 


2. 95% like it when others are able to work remotely

People don’t just wish they’re remote; they want that for their close ones as well. Even 95% of respondents said that they are encouraging others to work remotely. The 2019 remote working statistics reveal that the following benefits are the main reasons why one should work remotely: 

  • A flexible schedule – 40% of respondents

  • Working from any location – 30%

  • Having more time for family – 14%

  • Working from home –  13%

  • Other – 3%.


3. Almost 75% of all companies allow remote work

Most companies that hire developers are already allowing remote work, which marked telecommuting trends of 2018. This fact became known after the State of Software Development Survey when 74.92% of respondents answered that they prefer working remotely. It should be pointed out that companies in the IT industry were the pioneers of this hiring model.

This number was much lower at the beginning of the 21st century, and it looks like we’ll reach 100% in the near future. This could happen in the next decade when almost every employee will have a chance to test their working from home productivity.


Considering working remotely? Make sure to visit your local coworking space to see what kinds of remote options are in your area!


We are an independent studio - owned by creatives and operated by creatives. We provide the gamut of digital creative services from web and video to graphic and app development. We are the full package to brands and businesses across the industry spectrum - a distilled group of professionals who are bred to build custom cross media projects to the highest expectations.