coworking — KOI Creative Space — KOI Blog


6 Reasons Why Coworking Just Might Be Your Remote Working Solution in 2020

Nobody talks about the dark side of remote working.

The gradual thinning of the work-home divide, constant connectivity, the nagging feeling of never being productive enough. The isolation, anxiety, and sometimes just downright loneliness. The struggle is real.


But, remote work is here to stay. By 2028, 78% of all companies will offer remote work. Not only that, but according to Buffer’s 2019 State of work report, 99% of all employees want to work remotely. And what's not to like about it? It's the perfect win-win scenario:

Your business could save up to $11,000 if team members worked from home for just half of the time. 

Your team will definitely appreciate the increased flexibility and autonomy over their schedules, which ultimately translates to increased productivity and loyalty (as opposed to their office-bound counterparts).

There are even environmental benefits: This 2019 research by Global Workplace Analytics predicted that if half the workforce worked from home, the greenhouse reduction would be the same as taking the workforce of the entire state of New York off the road.

Sounds great, huh?


Only if you forget the flip side of the narrative.

The lack of community, The feeling of flying solo.

All day.

Every day.

The exacerbation of bad habits (hello, working in pajamas all day, all week?)

Did you know that people with close friends at work were seven times more likely to be engaged in their jobs, leading to higher customer engagement?

There is no ‘communal watering hole’ at home where one can experience that sense of community and belonging - and this can ultimately lead to lower professional performance, burnout, and more .

We humans are not meant to be isolated.

And have we mentioned distractions? The distractions at home are all minor, until you begin to add them up - the dog, the cat, the baby, the lawnmower, the neighbors' children playing ‘who can yell louder’ on the front lawn - the list is endless. 

Even the weather can be out to get us.

What about the wonderful 2 hours of sunshine we get on winter days? 

Seasonal depression and the winter slump can turn the remote worker into a hibernating sallow-skinned, vitamin D deficient husk of a human being. 


But it’s not all doom and gloom!

There’s a solution - balance. Creating a perfect mix between the traditional office setting and a neighborhood coffee shop - providing the subtle hum of energetic, motivated, like-minded people with a "can-do" attitude while leaving out the lengthy commute, cubicle walls and those pesky fluorescent lights.

But how is this a solution? 

(1)You only pay for space that you need (and get so much more)

If it's a desk you need, you'll get a desk - and a chair, and filing cabinets, and everything else you need to crush that pile of work that’s been giving you anxiety since last Monday morning. Your outfitted desk will be ensconced in a tastefully decorated space full of creative energy in a convenient location surrounded by restaurants, bars and more.

With large windows. Really large windows. Which, according to Fast Company offers the most important office perk - the ability to see outside.

say goodbye to cubicle-indcued claustrophobia

You will also have none of the headaches associated with traditional leasing because thats all been taken care of by the coworking space, thus enabling you and your team to grow your business without a back-breaking lease. 

(2) It’s all about the perks

Nothing kills that workflow quite like the interruption caused by a slow, spotty internet connection. And bad coffee. 

Fuel your team’s creativity with great coffee!

Coworking spaces have reliable, high-speed Wi-Fi and many other business amenities such as printers, scanners, even conference and meeting rooms that can be yours by the hour whenever you need them. 

And about that coffee. Most coworking spaces pride themselves on offering locally sourced coffee, tea and/or other beverages and snacks so you and your team can always refuel (KOI has been proudly pouring a special blend from Coffee Labs of Tarrytown since its doors opened several years ago).

(3) Your business is more agile

Because your business is not tied to a lease, you have the freedom and flexibility to expand without worrying about renting entire office spaces. This means that your business can rent the exact number of desks it needs, with the freedom to respond quickly to market changes. 


According to the State of Remote Workforce 2019 the US labor market is close to full employment. Companies are struggling to find quality talent needed to compete and provide customer value.  For your organization to fill that talent gap with quality experienced talent you have to provide what is required: Flexible Working Solutions.

(4) Coworking is thoughtful working: 

Fiona Chilcott, Chief People & Culture Officer at Hotwire  says "it's a philosophy our organization lives by that recognizes work is a thing you produce, not a place you go, and we encourage our people to work where they will be the most effective for their clients, their colleagues and themselves." 

Coworking combines well-designed spaces and thoughtfully curated work experiences to stimulate productivity and allow people to do their best work and be happy while doing it.

(5) The Human Connection is our superpower - Cat Johnson 

One significant benefit of coworking is that, in this atmosphere made up of energetic and excited people from different industries and backgrounds, connections that were once impossible (or difficult) to make are now just waiting to happen. 


This ability to spend time with like-minded people radiating a "can-do" attitude not only benefits the individual but also enables cross-pollination of ideas and talents that can lead to unique solutions and collaborations.

(6) Coworking helps you implement remote working in a way that works

Remote working is more than just working from home or flexible working.

 It is one of the many ways in which your company can future-proof itself against skill shortage, resource scarcity, and better adapt to rapid technological advancements. 

When implemented correctly, running a geographically diverse team forces you to tackle the hard things (that you needed to do anyway) earlier on and get granular about the metrics that matter. Coworking is uniquely suited to this.

 Anthony Slumbers, an expert on proptech and Space-as-a-Service insists that as an employer, you have to be hyper-aware of the atmosphere your employees need to produce their best work. The perfect space has to be available for teams to exercise their inimitable human skills-creation, design, problem-solving, abstract thinking, etc.  

What better place for these increasingly critical human skills to flourish than in an atmosphere of community, collaboration, learning and sustainability?

Remote working is more than a trend - it is the future of work. We’d love to tell you more about our space solutions, and how KOI has helped build and enable a community of remote workers in the greater Westchester area.

How to Sell Remote Working to Your Boss

How to Sell Remote Working to Your Boss

So you’ve finally decided that working remotely is the right move, but the idea of talking to your boss about remote working makes you break out in hives?  You are not alone. Hard conversations are nerve-racking. However, if the idea of another lengthy commute and the inflexibility of your current office situation makes you even more nervous - this blog is written just for you.

Coworking Space advantages

What is coworking?

Coworking spaces are shared workplaces utilised by different sorts of knowledge professionals, mostly freelancers, working in various degrees of specialisation in the vast domain of the knowledge industry. Practically conceived as office-renting facilities where workers hire a desk and a wi-fi connection these are, more importantly, places where independent professionals live their daily routines side-by-side with professional peers, largely working in the same sector – a circumstance which has huge implications on the nature of their job, the relevance of social relations across their own professional networks and – ultimately – their existence as productive workers in the knowledge economy.

The history of shared-office spaces is surprisingly longer than some think. The idea first came to life in 1995 when c-base, an association of engineers, created a ‘hackerspace’ in Berlin for computer hackers to meet and work together. Four years later, in 1999, the trend spread to New York City, and 42 West 24 was born by a software company to help contracted employees.

Coworking statistics

Growing Number Of Freelancers


40% of the workforce will be freelances, temps, independent contractors, and solopreneurs by 2020

This is a number that we can’t ignore. More people are choosing a more flexible lifestyle, and we have to be aware of this. Coworking spaces will become even more popular, and companies with remote employees can take advantage of this. If you have an employee that wants to work from home, setting them up in a coworking space can be a better arrangement.

Coworking Makes You Feel Healthier


70% reported they felt healthier than they did working in a traditional office setting

Maybe this has something to do with all of the stress that comes from a traditional office setting, or maybe it’s because coworking spaces have more initiatives to promote wellness, but according to a survey, people reported feeling healthier when working in a coworking space.
When you’re healthy, you’re naturally going to be more productive, so it’s a win-win.

Coworkers Complete Tasks Better


64% of coworkers are better able to complete tasks on time

This is an amazing statistic, and speaks volumes about the power of coworking spaces.
If people are more productive when they’re in coworking spaces, then companies should take advantage of this. Any temp or freelancer that a company hires should set them up in a coworking space instead of letting them work from a coffee shop.

Coworkers Can Focus Better


68% said they were able to focus better while coworking

My theory on this one is because of the energy that a coworking space has.
Everyone is there to work, and is there for a serious purpose, whereas in a coffee shop there can be many more distractions. Another great reason to use a coworking space is simply for the vibe in the room. It’s like workijng out at home or going to a gym, you’ll always push yourself harder at the gym because of the other people around.

People Are Satisfied With Their Coworking Space


92% are satisfied with their coworking space

This is a great statistic, and anyone that runs a coworking space should be proud of themselves.
The people who run coworking spaces do a great job of creating that sense of community within everyone that works there. There are also usually lots of networking events and community-building initiatives, which makes it that much more satisfying

Coworking Leads To Better Interactions


91% have better interactions with others after working

In coworking spaces, people, who might have never met each other otherwise, are constantly interacting with one another. This leads to feeling happier and makes it easier to connect and start conversations with other people outside of the coworking space.

Coworking Makes You More Relaxed


60% are more relaxed at home since coworking

This is probably my favorite statistic on the infographic.
Work-life balance is an important topic for us here at Officevibe, and something we talk a lot about. The amount of stress that the typical worker brings home does so much damage to their children/spouse. Anything to help achieve a better work-life balance is important, and coworking spaces give the flexibility and freedom that entrepreneurs need.

Lots Of Coworkers Are Younger


78% of coworkers are under 40

Mostly younger workers are in coworking spaces, but that doesn’t mean it’s only meant for younger workers.
Everyone, no matter how old you are, wants to be more productive, be healthier, and have a better work-life balance.

Coworking Makes You More Confident


90% said they felt more confident when coworking

This is probably again some placebo effect from the atmosphere in coworking spaces, but everyone that’s there is there to work hard, so it gives you a sense of drive that lets you work harder. Plus, with the access to resources and events, you get a sense that there is a support network, which gives you more confidence.

You Make More Money Coworking


50% report higher incomes

This is an interesting one, and my theory on this is that an entrepreneur or freelancer, that uses a coworking space instead of something like a coffee shop, will end up working harder, and is just taking the process more seriously.
Something for all independent workers to keep in mind.

Freelancers Like To Work On Their Own Schedule


Only 30% prefer to work during normal business hours

This goes beyond just coworking; people need to autonomy and flexibility to work whenever they want to, whenever they feel the most productive. Coworking spaces need to meet that demand, and stay open longer than normal business hours.

Coworking south of the border and beyond

Tired of working at Starbucks? Then coworking spaces are the answer for you. They’ve been mushrooming over the last years, and not only in the US. Cool places have also opened in most Latin American cities, and there’s more to come.

Location independent professionals have already heard of and experienced the perks of Southeast Asia, but now South America is becoming a big player too. In the last 5 years cities like Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Medellín turned into relevant hubs for digital nomads.
Here’s our selection for you:

Central America



NomadLife is a Coworking, Co-Living Space in Nicaragua. Where freelancers, remote workers, entrepreneurs, and other location independent creatives come to work online and find the perfect balance between productivity and enjoyment. NomadLife has been created to bridge the gap between productive work and a fulfilling lifestyle.



WORKINGS is your space, your style, your work. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, going freelance, building a startup or managing a business, they have a space that will make you feel like a king, with inspiring-home-feel workspaces profoundly designed for your absolute convenience.

#Panama Coworking Center

Panama Coworking Center is a space design to increase productivity among professionals, to promote the generation of ideas and create winning experiences. A detail oriented environment make the difference in a work space, that´s why they offer a custom service to answer the special needs of every business

Costa Rica


SkyLoft's goal is to provide freelancers, startups and technology talent from around the world with a productive and inspiring setting to pursue their dreams and efforts in a more fulfilling and healthy environment. Success is typically driven by working hard--and *smart*. Success leads to *happiness* if they can balance the road to get there. With today's technology and tools at hand, why not do so by working from an office in paradise: with a view of the ocean and taking a coffee break by riding the ATV, or a wave; or recharging with a meditation class at sunset or a walk on the white sand beach.

South America



Goma is an interdisciplinary association of entrepreneurs People and businesses moved by the same purpose. Promote creative and collaborative economies through entrepreneurship networking and business social impact. They share the workspace. They transformed the day-to-day in a large laboratory shared management.

#Co Lab Workspace

COLAB Coworking is an innovative concept in collaborative workspace, enabling the exchange of knowledge, skills and experience among COLABERS. COLAB encourages interaction, helping expand your network. Try a new way of engagement using a collaborative workspace. COLAB welcomes all professionals: self-employed, freelancers, entrepreneurs and startups among others. COLAB provides consulting and reference in management, strategy, human resources, finance, accounting and legal in Brazil and abroad through their partners.


DOCA is a plug'n'play coworking space right in the middle of Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro's coolest neighborhood. An environment that encourages creativity, promotes networking and has the infrastructure that you need to turn your ideas into business.


Going out to work every day in a quiet, well-designed, practical and comfortable environment. With nice living areas, well-ventilated spaces and natural light. That you can reach by foot, car, bus, subway, bicycle or motorbike. And that allows you to enjoy a good neighborhood and interesting colleagues. This is their ideal workplace. That’s how they created Josefin.


#The Office

The Office is a shared workspace, comfortable and professional for individuals, freelancers and small to medium businesses. They provide the latest in technology and infrastructure. They are an efficient and practical alternative to traditional office rental. The most important advantages of this shared office environment are the low level of fixed costs, access to equipment and high-end amenities, a vibrant enterprise culture and endless opportunities to generate useful contacts. The Office understand your work needs and strive to offer highly personalized services so you can manage your business profitably.



AtomHouse is a space for innovators, hackers and entrepreneurs. More than just a coworking space, is a community with everything you need for world domination. The perfect space for a small startup team to begin world domination. With permanent desks and available in 3-month and 6-month blocks.

Top Essential Tools To Better Manage Your Business


Being your own boss can mean being your own marketing department, public relations team or sales squad — you name it, small business owners often end up handling it themselves, at least at some point. With so many hats to wear, you need to make every second count.

Luckily, there are plenty of tools out there that can streamline tasks, boost productivity and, in sum, save lots of time and money. Most of these services are free, and all of them do a fantastic job addressing the everyday challenges that small business owners face. What’s not to love?

#SquareSpace - Build A Website

Squarespace makes beautiful products to help people with creative ideas succeed.
Their platform empowers millions of people — from individuals and local artists to entrepreneurs shaping the world’s most iconic businesses — to share their stories and create an impactful, stylish, and easy-to-manage online presence.

#BuildFire - Mobile App Builder (iOS & Android)

BuildFire is the leading mobile app development platform choice for businesses, organizations, individuals and resellers. With their intuitive system and highly responsive customer support, they help hundreds of businesses build mobile apps every day. With their aggressive development cycles and infinitely open architecture, they will be there to serve you both now and far into the future.

#FreshBooks - Cloud Accounting Software

FreshBooks know you went into business to pursue your passion and serve your customers - not to learn accounting. This is why they believe in executing extraordinary product and service experiences that helps save you time and get paid faster.

#MailChimp - Email Marketing Platform

Everyone starts small. But with the right resources, you can execute big plans. MailChimp’s features are powerful enough for Fortune 500 companies at a price point that works for anyone. You know your business. They will help you grow it.

#DropBox - File Hosting Service

Save files on your computer, then access them on your phone from the road. Everything you keep in Dropbox is synced automatically to all your devices.500 million people around the world use Dropbox to work the way they want, on any device, wherever they go. With 200,000 businesses on Dropbox Business, they are transforming everyday workflows and entire industries.

#MindMeister - Mind Mapping Software

MindMeister is an online mind mapping tool that lets you capture, develop and share ideas visually. More than 6 million people already use their award-winning mind map editor for brainstorming, note taking, project planning and tons of other creative tasks. MindMeister is completely web-based, which means there's no download and no updating! Whether you're working on Windows, Mac OS or Linux, you can always access your mind maps right inside the web-browser.

#PayPal - Payment System

PayPal is a worldwide online payments system that supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods like checks and money orders. PayPal is one of the world's largest Internet payment companies. In 2015, 28% of the 4.9 billion payments we processed were made on a mobile device. With their 192 million active customer accounts, PayPal is a truly global payments platform that is available to people in more than 200 markets, allowing customers to get paid in more than 100 currencies, withdraw funds to their bank accounts in 56 currencies and hold balances in their PayPal accounts in 25 currencies.

#InVision - Web & Mobile Prototyping Tool

They help companies of all sizes unlock the power of design-driven product development. That's why teams at Evernote, Adobe, Airbnb, Salesforce, and many more fire up InVision every day. InVision gives teams the freedom to design, review, and user test products—all without a single line of code. With intuitive tools for prototyping, task management, and version control, it's your entire design process, all in one place.

#Google Analytics - Analytics Tool

Google Analytics is a freemium web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic. Google launched the service in November 2005. Google Analytics is now the most widely used web analytics service on the Internet. Google Analytics is offered also in two additional versions: the subscription based Google Analytics 360, previously Google Analytics Premium, targeted at enterprise users and Google Analytics for Mobile Apps, an SDK that allows gathering usage data from iOS and Android Apps.

Top 10 Coworking Spaces In Asia

Coworking is no more extended a periphery style of working only for trendy people and business visionaries. It is standard. The move from conventional office and all day employments to adaptable, independent and remote work is producing more coworking spaces. For collaborating space occupants there are huge attractions. Minimal effort space in prime areas, shared office assets and the adaptability to stay or go is exceptionally engaging.

However, past crazy furniture, innovation, table tennis tables and snacks there’s something all the more essentially imperative. On the off chance that you’ve ever had a place with a space, you realize that group has the greatest effect. It is the general population; the individuals who make the space that will share their experience, guidance and systems that make up the genuine inherent estimation of coworking. Unique things happen when arbitrary thoughts impact. Asia has a major preferred standpoint with regards to collaborating.

#beacHub (Koh Phangan, Thailand)

The World's First Full Service Beachfront Co-Working Space on the idyllic island of Koh Phangan in Thailand. As you run your digital empire let the cool ocean breeze feed your brain. Located on the most picturesque sunset beach of the island you will find your mind opening up to the endless possibilities this part of the world has to offer. Enjoy incredible food and nourishing drinks followed by a dip in the ocean to refresh your body.

#The Great Room (Singapore, Rep. Singapore)

The Great Room is a home of like-minded creative entrepreneurs, ambitious investors and connected influencers.  Their members enjoy their hospitality in the form of well-designed work spaces, relevant experiences, curated services and opportunities that foster important associations and inspirations.

#Innov8 (Chandigarh, India)

Be the best better version of you. Spaces specially crafted for your performance. Their mission is to make India the Silicon Hub of the world, to change the ecosystem & collaborative structures of entrepreneurs in India.

#Ka Koncept (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

Ka Ko-working offers a collective co-working space for professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers and growing businesses. With our state-of-the-art facilities and friendly service, you will be free of all the time consuming logistics traditionally associated with running your own office and instead focus on building and expanding your core business. And you know what, it may actually reduce your costs significantly.

#Naked Hub (Shanghai, China)

Their innovative and beautiful workspaces are home to a diverse community of companies and individuals who interact, collaborate, and do business with one another. Offering unprecedented freedom, financial flexibility, and an invaluable online-to-offline community, naked Hub is a platform designed to help start-up’s, SME’s and MNC’s across all industries, to increase their success in business.

#02 Space (Makati City, Philippines)

Everyone needs room to succeed. Welcome to O2 Space, temporary office spaces designed to be breathable and conducive so that you can focus on making the big plays. With different office sizes and packages to suit your work style, O2 Space worries about the office amenities so you can worry about taking the shots and closing the deal.

#The Entrepreneurs' Lab (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

The Entrepreneurs’ Lab aka Elab understand what startup need, a space that they can immerse in their dream ventures without distraction while easily sustainable in terms of expenses and resources. Elab offers coworking space at affordable price as well as virtual office for startup who wish to have complete mobility. At The Entrepreneurs’ Lab, they take care of your business needs so you can be at ease and focus on the thing that matters most, building your ideas into stellar businesses.

#The 1961 (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

Their main hub is the fully air-conditioned 40 seater coworking lab which offers communal work tables and designated desks with individual power outlets. Features high speed internet, shared printer, lavatory, mini kitchen with microwave and couches for lounging during breaks, the lab also has a pot of coffee always brewing and sometimes members bring treats of freshly baked cinnamon rolls or gluten free cookies for food tasting!

#Missolink (Kwun Tong, Hong Kong)

Decent co-working workplace with energetic network for start-ups and freelancers.

#Outpost (Bali, Indonesia)

Outpost is a productive coworking/coliving oasis. They enable you, the budding independent location professionals, to grow your career and business. Stay with Outpost for two weeks, two months or two years. Live life on your terms.

Which Social Media Should I Use For Business


Social media networks are fantastic resources for businesses of all sizes looking to promote their brands online. The platforms themselves are free to use, and they also have paid advertising options specifically for brands that want to reach even more new audiences. But just because your business should be on social media, that doesn't mean your business should be on every network. It's important that you choose and nurture the social platforms that work best for your business so that you don't spread yourself too thin.

If you want to create a successful social strategy, you need to familiarize yourself with how each network runs, the kinds of audiences you can reach and how your business can best use each platform. We profiled the top social media platforms so you can learn more about them and market your business better.


This is by far the biggest social media channel, with an estimate of 1.11 billion people using the site each month, 665 million active users each day, and generates up to 645 million local business page views per week, Facebook has proved that its popularity amongst users is here to stay. Facebook can be thought of as the “social” home for your business on the Internet. It’s a place people can go to leave a message, browse through business products and photos, or chat with you online.

With so many targeted potential customers, creating a business page is a must, but remember that it needs to be updated on a daily basis with not only promotional information, but engaging and interesting content as well. Know that this platform does need a considerable amount of human and financial resources (advertising), and, if done right, the benefits to your business will definately be seen.


Twitter is another social network where you can post mostly anything. With Twitter, you can share short (140 or fewer characters) text updates, along with videos, images, links, polls and more. You can also easily interact with other users by mentioning their usernames in your posts, so Twitter is a great way to quickly connect with people all around the world. (The platform has more than 320 million active users worldwide and is one of the top 10 websites in the United States.) Because of its wide reach, Twitter is not only a great way to market your business but also an effective channel for handling customer service. For example, if you maintain an active Twitter presence, customers who are also active on the platform will seek you out to express concerns or share their praise.

If you have interesting content, Twitter is also a great tool for quickly spreading the word. Retweeting and sharing other users' content is incredibly simple, hashtags help boost posts, and if a user with a lot of followers retweets you, your content has the potential to go viral. But with Twitter, it's important to remember to find balance — don't simply share your own links or media; make sure you are also sharing a lot of interesting, relevant content from other Twitter users and from around the Web so your audience doesn't think you only care about what your business is doing.


Instagram is a visual social media platform based entirely on photo and video posts. The network, which Facebook owns, has more than 400 million active users, many of whom post about food, art, travel, fashion and similar subjects. Instagram is distinguished by its unique filters and photo and video editing options. This platform, unlike the others, is almost entirely mobile (there is a Web version, but you can't take photos or create new posts on it, and other functions are limited as well).

Instagram is another platform where more artistic niches excel, so again, it may not be the best fit for your business, depending on your industry. If you want to succeed with Instagram, it's important that the person running your account has a good eye for detail and has at least basic photography skills, so that the photos and videos posted to your account are high-quality. And don't be discouraged if your industry is underrepresented on Instagram; if you can find the right hashtags to latch onto and can post intriguing photos, you will most likely make it work.


Google+ has 359 million active users a month – far from the ghost town it is popularly believed to be. Many see Google+ as a combination of Twitter and Facebook, but its new features makes it a marketing paradise. The Hangouts, +1s and hashtags , if used properly, can result in a fantastic page popularity. Like Twitter and Facebook, this page needs to be updated; you need to be interactive with not only your own users, but other business pages as well.

Remember: Google+ is Google, which means great search engine results for your business! If you have a Google+ Page and someone searches for your business (despite if they follow you or not), your Google+ Page and its most recent posts will be displayed on the right side of their personal search results. These search ranking benefits makes Google+ an important social media site to consider for your business.


This platform consists of digital bulletin boards where users can save and display content they like in the form of pins. Users create and organize their boards by category. So, for example, as a personal user, one might have a board dedicated to food, where they pin recipes; another board dedicated to photography they find interesting; and so on. Pinterest is very visually oriented (every post has to be an image or video), and like Facebook, it is also fairly low-maintenance in terms of post frequency. However, keeping your boards organized and search-friendly can be time-consuming.

Pinterest is also more of a niche network than Facebook or Twitter, so it may not work for everyone. Pinterest's users are primarily women, and popular categories on the site are DIY projects, fashion, exercise, beauty, photography and food. That's not to say that businesses outside of these categories can't succeed on the platform, but it does make it a great marketing tool for businesses that do work in those areas. If you can find ways to connect your content to Pinterest's audience, then go for it. The platform also has a series of special types of pins called Rich Pins, which brands can use to add special information to their pins, like product details and even location maps.


Linkedin is the largest social media network for business people and professionals but most small business owners still don’t have it on their marketing radar. Business owners are now realizing the value of this site and the opportunities to build relationships and sales leads. There are over 230 million LinkedIn users and 2.7 million business pages already on LinkedIn. Note that LinkedIn is more serious in nature compared to Facebook and Twitter. Approach this social media channel more seriously and assume that the users will want serious, professional and informative information.

One of the most powerful features of Linkedin is “Linkedin Groups” which provide a place for professionals in the same industry or with similar interests to start and participate in a discussion within a Group. You can share content, find answers, post and view jobs, make business contacts, and establish yourself as industry experts. Groups can have a hundred to thousands of members, so the exposure is significant.


This social media channel is the most popular video oriented site and has an estimate of over 1 billion unique visitors every month, with over 100 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute. A huge factor to note with YouTube is that (1) it’s the second largest search engine after Google (not Yahoo or Bing!). So, having content here that is optimized to be found by someone looking for your product, service, or niche can have enormous benefits; and (2) YouTube is owned by Google! When it comes to boosting your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking, videos are over 50 times more likely to appear on the first page of search results as part of the blended results that Google now shows.

But the YouTube market is competitive. It really is a social media channel to choose if you have value videos that invite engagement, sharing and that users will enjoy. If your business can visually show how their services, products and employees are different from all the rest out there, this social media channel is a winner. Note the costs and human resources involved in producing good, valuable videos before signing your business up.


Tumblr is arguably the most difficult social media platform to use as a business, but it's also one of the most interesting networks. Tumblr allows several different post formats — including text posts, chat posts, quote posts, audio posts, photo posts and video posts — so you're not limited as to what kind of content you can share. As with Twitter, reblogging (reposting other users' content) is very quick and easy, so if a user with a lot of followers shares your content, it's possible to go viral fairly quickly. However, what sets Tumblr apart more than anything is its audience, which is less like a pool of users and more like one big tight-knit community full of smaller subcommunities.

Tumblr currently hosts more than 200 million blogs, and the majority of these blogs are run by young people (half of Tumblr's visitor base is under age 25). But this means that businesses that don't cater to young people's interests or aren't relatable to young people in some way are not poised for success on the network. The good news is, there's a subcommunity or fandom for almost every niche and interest you can think of, so a successful marketing campaign is possible if you use Tumblr correctly.


This is only for a business that hav a brick and motar location – a restaurant, hair salon, spa – are good examples. Major updates have breathed new life into this social media channel, but there is still a debate whether Foursquare has a future or not, which makes it a tricky platform to invest in. There are 40 million users and 1.3 million businesses on Foursquare and local businesses canstill leverage this network to build their customer base with new prospects and reward their most loyal customers.

People use Foursquare to check into locations they’ve visited by using the app on their mobile phones. Once they’ve checked into a location, it can be shared with their Foursquare friends, Facebook friends and Twitter followers. This is where businesses on Foursquare benefit from being on the platform because users’ friends see where they’re checking in to eat, shop, have fun and more, which could possibly influence them to do the same based on the recommendations of their trusted connections.Interaction and real-time content is great when people write reviews, recommend and talk about your business, but know that you must join the conversation, interact, post images and reward customers in order to be successful on this platform.


Which social media platform do you use for your business?

10 Of The World’s Most Breathtaking Coworking Spaces


Coworking is on the rise, and for good reason—it’s estimated that 40% of the workforce will be made up of freelancers, solopreneurs, and independent contractors by 2020. While freelancers consistently report higher job satisfaction levels than traditional employees, they often face a problem that their in-office counterparts do not: Social isolation.

Any city vying to stand up a tech or innovation hub has to have coworking spaces for budding entrepreneurs, remote workers, and freelancers. Beyond forgoing conventional office spaces and lengthy lease contracts, coworking spaces offer like-minded individuals a sense of community; a place to learn from others; and valuable networking potential.

#WORKPLACE ONE  (Toronto, Canada)

They think a workplace should be more than a building with offices inside. They think of a place where teams collaborate, where clients congregate, where creative people do great work, and deliver great results. A workplace is where innovation, productivity and ideas thrive!

They rent workplaces. Shared facilities, with shared services, in prime downtown locations. Short-term, long-term, you decide. They’re flexible and offer many options and a few locations (including 3 in downtown Toronto and a new location in Kitchener Waterloo) that are sure to fit your coworking needs. Rent a desk, virtual desk, or lounge and get busy creating.

#COCOVIVO (Isla de San Cristóbal, Panama)

At Coco-Vivo, daily interactions with the jungle, the ocean and its inhabitants, keeps them constantly in awe of, and eternally grateful to the nature around.

They are there to assist their guests to seamlessly unite with this wild environment - while maintaining a high level of comfort and fun. All of their energy there is generated from Solar panels, their water is collected from the rain, and their waste is composted.

There, freelancers can go swimming, hiking, paddle boarding, or horseback riding, then head back to use the solar-powered-Wi-Fi at a shack on a farm or in the waterfront bungalow to get some work done. Other perks: An inflatable trampoline and fruit trees on the property. Your inspiration has arrived!

#The Box Jelly (Honolulu, Hawaii)

BoxJelly is a coworking space which services monthly memberships, as well as meeting & event space reservations for members and non-members alike.

More than just an office or business center, BoxJelly thrives from the interactions that its members have with one another and the space. The emphasis on community helps to foster a collaborative environment, from which innovation is bred.

#The Factor (Berlin, Germany)

They are a next generation business club fostering innovation. They connect the right people to build relationships that truly matter. Their mission is to empower entrepreneurs to make a real impact and create the world of tomorrow.

Their curated community brings together the brightest minds from all over the globe. Their network includes freelancers, startups from all possible stages and verticals, established corporations as well as investors and leading influencers from politics and science.

It’s more of a campus for entrepreneurs and professionals to come together to launch new ideas.

#KoHub (Koh Lanta, Thailand)

They are a coworking space based on one of the most liveable islands in the tropics. They are a welcoming, fun and productive oasis for people travelling through Thailand. A perfect place for people looking for an island break from the city or location independents seeking a friendly community of like minded people.

Their family style environment is a haven for someone looking to enjoy the island life for a while. They provide the best internet on the island in a relaxing atmosphere. People are often surprised by how big KoHub actually.

#Hubud (Bali, Indonesia)

Hubud [Hub-in-Ubud] is a collaborative working space home to a diverse community of local and visiting creatives, techies, entrepreneurs and businessfolks, changemakers, downshifters and truth-seekers.

At Hubud, over 200 strong are working together to find new ways to thrive. It’s founded by expats in an adopted region, whereas other global counterparts exist in their home environments. The center does much to cultivate international interest in order to change the way individuals and companies work.

#Proximity Space (Montrose, Colorado, USA)

Montrose is on the leading edge of what is possible when a community decides to face the future with intention and innovation. With a gigabit connection and main street frontage, Proximity Space has quickly become an anchor in the evolving downtown ecosphere.

With the launch of the Proximity Space, entrepreneurs and innovators are discovering the power that lies in sharing ideas and letting the creative juices flow. Young people now have a positive environment to study and work on projects together. Travelers have professional and quiet space where they can catch up on their work. New business opportunities are being launched because of the ability to share ideas in an environment that is filled with the latest technology and individuals who know how to turn dream ideas into reality.

#HiVE (Vancouver, Canada)

HiVE is a sustainability-focused concept that brings freelancers and entrepreneurs together. For the nomadic environmentalist, the space offers a community member option to connect with likeminded or “hot desk” for the digital nomad who needs a break from coffee shops.

#Talent Garden (Barcelona, Spain)

Talent Garden in the first international network of coworking with a focus on digital. It is a space for tech/ digital/ creative entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, companies - all the digital ecosystem members to meet, work, learn and collaborate with each other.

 Talent Garden Barcelona is the first campus in Spain, bringing talents from creative industries, digital and tech. It hosts up to 35 members, offers three closed meeting rooms, lounge, creative and game areas, partner offers and extra services needed for the young entrepreneur.

#Pawa 254 (Nairobi City, Kenya)

PAWA254 was created to support and foster young creatives and promote arts and culture geared towards social impact in Kenya. They are a growing collaborative space that brings together students, professionals and enthusiasts from dynamic creative industries to network, collaborate and learn with the primary aim of social impact.

Their mission is to advance the artistic skills of young creatives, promote arts and culture in Kenya and expose the transformative power of the arts through programs, trainings and workshops. Their vision is to facilitate a bold, innovative and thriving art and media landscape to create social change in Kenya.


These are the best coworking spaces we found across the globe. Each one brings something unique to the table. Out of the 10 coworking spaces mentioned, which can you picture yourself thriving in as a freelancer? Do you have a recommendation of a unique space that isn’t on the list? Leave them in the comments!

Business Success Tips for Startups and Small Businesses


Toying around with the idea of starting a company? Worried about things that may go wrong or making the wrong decisions? Did you just start a company but are concerned about how you are doing things? You are not alone, and you definitely are not in unchartered waters.

There are not only many thousands of people just like you who are working on starting their own company or have just launched their company, but there have been thousands of people who were once in your shoes who’ve gone on to grow some wildly successful companies, many of which you probably have heard of or even use on the regular basis.

#Talk to People


It sounds like a given, but a lot of first-time startup founders are actually pretty timid when it comes to putting their ideas out there, either because they don’t want to risk other people stealing them or they fear fellow entrepreneurs will think they’re foolish.

But without talking to people—customers, advisors, experts, potential investors, and the media—you won’t be able to get the feedback you need to make your idea better. The more you talk it through with different types of people, the easier it is to refine it and produce something that will truly resonate with your customers. Your customers’ feedback can help you work through any bugs or imperfections.

#Right Name


You want people to remember your name (be able to recall it). The more readily your name can be recalled, the easier it is for you to expand your reach to users/customers/investors.

In order for a name to be memorable, it should be unambiguous and somehow distinctive. If it sounds like many other names out there, people are not going to recall it (or if they do recall it, they're not going to recall the right one).

So, how do you know if your name is memorable? You don't. That's why you need to test it. Tell people your company name in various contexts (on a website, in an email, in person, on the phone, etc.) — and see if they can recall it a few minutes or a few days later. It takes a bit of work, but it's worth it. The good news is that if your name is not memorable, it'll show up in the data pretty quickly. And, as disheartening is that the name you love just doesn't test well — better to know now than years from now when you have a bunch of equity (emotional and otherwise) invested in it.

What makes a name simple?

  1. quicker to type-in (especially on mobile)
  2. easier to spell-out to someone over the phone
  3. more efficient to include in a tweet (or other “length constrained” channels)
  4. simpler to come up with a logo for
  5. less likely to be acronymized or otherwise shortened by others

#Choosing The Right Market


It’s easy for startup founders to believe the whole world will love their products. After all, founders eat, sleep and breathe their products. The reality is that only a small portion of the population is interested in your product.

If you try to market your startup to everyone, you waste both time and money. The key is to identify a niche target market and go after market share aggressively.

How do you choose the right market?

  1. Market Size – Are you targeting a regional demographic? Female? Children? Age? Know exactly how many potential customers are in your target market.
  2. Market Wealth – Does this market have the money to spend on your product?
  3. Market Competition – Is the market saturated? As in, are their many competitors?
  4. Value Proposition – Is your value proposition unique enough to cut thru the noise?

#Make Customers A High Priority


Though it should go without saying, your customers keep you in business, which means that customer service should be at the top of your priorities. But customers can do more for your business than make purchases. They can also help you to improve your products and services so that your business can thrive. By listening to customer feedback, you too can learn the best ways to improve your products and services to meet your customers' needs.

#Location Still Matters


Even though more businesses are starting out online, your physical location can still be an important factor in the success of your business. If you plan to set up a physical shop, you'll need to go where your target audience is. If you plan to set up an online store, you still need to consider your location, at least for networking and economy purposes.

Here are few questions that can help you decide on the best retail location for your business.

  1. Is the facility located in an area zoned for your type of business?
  2. Is the facility large enough for your business? Does it offer room for all the retail, office, storage or workroom space you need?
  3. Do people you want for customers live nearby? Is the population density of the area sufficient for your sales needs?
  4. If you choose a location that's relatively remote from your customer base, will you be able to afford the higher advertising expenses?
  5. Is the facility consistent with the image you'd like to maintain?
  6. Are neighboring businesses likely to attract customers who will also patronize your business?
  7. Are there any competitors located close to the facility? If so, can you compete with them successfully?

#Social Media


Startups tend to choose the social media networks they engage on without much strategy. The two most common mistakes are trying to master every network and trying to master certain networks just because the competition is doing it. If all of your competitors are on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you should be too, right? Maybe, but maybe not.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest and now Instagram, are some of the most popular social networks today. All of them can be great content promotion and community building tools, but they all have unique characteristics. Facebook, for example, is typically powered by your existing customers who enjoy visual posts like pictures and video. Twitter, on the other hand, is often powered by potential customers who respond well to links (e.g. blog links).

Each social network ‘works’ differently, as in, how the community takes, interprets and digests your sharing and content varies. Reddit is often referred to as a very guarded network and detests spammers. Unlike twitter, here you can’t just schedule various messages every day. You can’t just jump on, run some ads and expect people to upvote all your content. Be mindful of the network and community you are trying to reach, it may not be in the social space you first thought.



At the end of the day, it all comes down to the money. How much can you afford to spend on your startup marketing strategy? Remember that while inbound marketing leads cost 61% less than outbound marketing leads, they are not free. Set a budget early in the game and accept that limitation.

57% of startup marketing managers are not basing their marketing budgets on any ROI analysis.

More importantly, carefully plan how you intend to divide that budget. Maybe your blog has been your most powerful tool to date and you want to invest 40% of the budget on it. Or maybe you want to spend 35% of the budget to develop a new eBook or online course. Just be sure you have the logistics settled before you start spending (or you might just lose your hat).

Coworking News, Magazines and Blogs

News and Magazines



Deskmag is the magazine about the new type of work and their places, how they look, how they function, how they could be improved and how we work in them. They especially focus on coworking spaces which are home to the new breed of independent workers and small companies.



CoworkNews is the destination for daily breaking news about the coworking industry. Coworking is one of the fastest growing movements in the world today, with new spaces opening daily in cities all over the world. Whether you're an industry leader, a member of the press, or a shared workspace enthusiast, CoworkNews will help you stay up to date and in the loop!


#New Worker Magazine

New Worker Magazine is the independent digital publication by and for the freelancers, entrepreneurs, remote workers and independents that make up the global coworking community.



The purpose of Alltop is to help you answer the question, “What’s happening?” in “all the topics” that interest you. They do this by collecting the headlines of the latest stories from the best sites and blogs that cover a topic. They group these collections — “aggregations” — into individual web pages. Then they display the five most recent headlines of the information sources as well as their first paragraph.

Coworking Blogs

#Tony Bacigalupo

He's believing we're here to help each other. His work focuses on the global coworking movement and related efforts that encourage the gathering of empowered, like-minded individuals.

#Craig Baute

His name is Craig Baute and he is a native son of Michigan living in Colorado. He is most known for his coworking company, Creative Density, in Denver with multiple locations and the consulting projects that he do for people interested in joining the coworking movement.


They are inspired by the concept of Coworking, its inception, exponential growth and its future place in the world of work.

#Coworking Blog

Coworking is redefining the way we do work. The idea is simple: that independent professionals and those with workplace flexibility work better together than they do alone. Coworking answers the question that so many face when working from home

#Alex Hillman

He builds communities, has started one of the longest running coworking communities in the world, writes a crapload of words every day, tweets a little too much, coaches people to be the best version of themselves possible, can’t stop learning new things, and does his very best not to take himself too seriously.

Coworking - The REAL Pros And Cons

Coworking is becoming more and more popular as prices of independent office spaces are soaring. Buying office space, especially in New York, is getting quite expensive these days. When exploring options for yourself or your company you are surely going to come across a few coworking spaces. When considered one of these spaces, make sure to take note of these advantages and disadvantages first! To find out if a coworking space is the best option for your startup, analyze its pros and cons.


Lower Costs
If you enjoy the convenience that state-of-the-art offices offer but don’t have the cash to pay for it, a co-working space may be the solution. You’ll have access to copiers/scanners, fax machines and possibly freelancers willing to perform helpful tasks. Because it is a shared environment, the costs will be far less than a private office. You also won’t be forced to sign long leases and you’ll maintain freedom and flexibility.


You can never make too many connections while you’re building your business. What better place to construct a solid network than a communal work environment? Besides being around other self-starters, many co-working spaces provide access to venture capitalists, angel investors and professionals, like lawyers. Who knows? Maybe you’ll discover your next colleague while having a coffee in the break room or land your first investment.


Sometimes, it can take an extensive amount of time and energy to figure out solutions to our problems. By being in a collaborative work environment, you can reach out to other entrepreneurs to get their advice. Often times, they will have experienced a similar issue and may offer a creative solution or practical suggestions.


You get support for technical challenges
It is always nice to have a team who is up for taking on technical challenges and swapping insights. For example, if you’re sharing office space with a tech startup, you will be able to deal with various problems without having to spend any extra money.



A co-working space is supposed to increase productivity -- it’s not an excuse to watch hilarious clips online or have nuanced conversations about last night’s basketball game. Remember, you’re there to work. Keep the socializing to your scheduled breaks.


It is possible that you’ll find yourself in direct competition with someone sharing your co-working space, and it can be a bit uncomfortable. Stay focused on what you want to achieve. If you can, try to turn a potential competitor into your ally. If you’re both talented and have similar goals, maybe the best way forward is to put your heads together.


Annoying Coworkers

The people at your coworking space become your coworkers, in a sense. This means dealing with personality quirks and annoying behaviors, just like any office space. Most people are pretty great, but one rotten apple can spoil the whole experience.



Now that you’re equipped with all the facts, are you still stoked about a coworking space? Or would you rather work from your bed in your pajamas? Let us know.

The Ultimate List Of Coworking Spaces In Europe

Coworking spaces all have one thing in common: they provide a space, with a desk and other office like amenities to make it possible for you to complete your tasks. But many have special and interesting offerings that could make you cry of joy. And…since the only way we can really get to know the spaces is by visiting them and unfortunately, we are not able to visit all – We decided to “web” travel through many of the hottest cities in Europe in search of the coolest alternative places to work, their location and their perks!


Paris, France


The key to digital innovation is not technology but the entrepreneurial spirit. Public authorities and companies must seize this transformation as an opportunity to step up their innovation cycles.

NUMA’s mission is to take companies out of their comfort zones, to assist them in developing the methods, mind-set and network they need to become the leading players of the future!


Coworkshop is located near two of the major train stations, Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est and close to the Saint Martin Canal in the 10th district of Paris. It is a collaborative workspace perfect for young entrepreneurs, freelancers and students in need of a relaxing yet professional place to work. Coworkshop provides a space where all are welcome. You do not have to make a deposit; just come in, work and enjoy the space. For us, the difference is our strength!


London, England


Campus is global network of spaces where big ideas are shaping the future. Operated by Google for Entrepreneurs, we have a dedicated team at Campus committed to creating a thriving startup community. Reach out to us on social or come say hello in person.

#Central Working

Central Working was started to address challenges that James Layfield, CEO, believes all new business owners are affected by; the first was the space. Why sign leases for three, four, or even five years when you have no way of knowing how big or small your business will be in that time? Wouldn’t you prefer a space with soul, and a place you can envisage yourself going to work everyday? Somewhere you’ll be more likely to connect with the talent that you want to attract.


Rome, Italy


Whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, small business or startup founder, CoworkTalenti provides the ideal environment for you and your business to thrive. Get you’re work done, keep yourself happy and productive, be part of a community and find clients, partners and friends alike.

#Famo Cose

 The function of a Makerspace is to create new opportunities, helping to develop the potential of a startup accompanying it in its growth.  FAMO THINGS wants to be a micro-business support, providing advice for fundraising campaigns, advertisement and marketing along with the necessary legal and fiscal support.


Copenhagen, Denmark

#Founders House

Founders House is famous for the core focus on technology companies, and their homey coworking environment. Here, community is actively used to help founders grow their companies faster. The co-working space is located in the middle of Startup Village where leading growth-stage startups live, and of which all leading nordic investors are members. 

#Rainmaking Loft

Rainmaking Loft is a co-working space set up by Rainmaking, one of Europe’s leading players within entrepreneurship. We support tech startups by providing them with a highly inspiring work environment at an affordable price.


Berlin, Germany

#Thunderbolt Collective

Thunderbolt Collective is a coworking space in Kreuzberg, the creative heart of Berlin. It is home to some of the top internet companies in the city. Some of our attractions include a beautifully decorated loft space surrounded by windows, quiet conference rooms, game area, napping room, candy wall and the amazing location.

#tuesday coworking

Tuesday coworking is an independently owned and operated coworking space in Schöneberg, Berlin which is open to flexible individuals or teams in need of an office
infrastructure without the distractions of home. Come by for a tour of our shared workspace, meet our community and drink some hot chocolate with us!


Amsterdam, Netherlands


Workspace6 is 280m2 of flexible space for the creative and the adventurous to bring their ideas to life. And play pong. The Workspace6 community is comprised of creatives, web nerds and independent doers. Sometimes alone, sometimes together, they make cool shit happen.


At BounceSpace, talent is a highly valued resource. From the talented craftsmen (barista, bike repairer, barber) to all of the modern masters housed in our space, from designers to lawyers (and everything in between). The person or company next to you should be just as much of a reason to join us as the nice desk or room we offer. Our community houses some of the brightest people around, and that’s something we cherish deeply. Lots of activity and a buzzing atmosphere is what makes it BounceSpace.


Barcelona, Spain


Betahaus is more than a coworking, it’s a happy family living in an amazing house. We’re looking for people with ‘beta spirit’. Each applicant should pass through a personal interview with a Betahaus team member in order to be accepted.

#Valkiria Hub

They believe that talent, innovation and creativity are needed in order to foster a collaborative environment in which personal and professional development are paramount.
Through their services – including co-working, mentoring and event organization – their aim is to build a community which is pillared by the ideas and energy of those businesses, organizations, freelancers and entrepreneurs who, like them,  passionately work to provide value, generate new ideas and innovate.

They also have their own Restaurant. Perfect to combine work and food. Check it out.
Restaurant Bistro - Valkiria


Stockholm, Sweden

#Impact Hub

At Impact Hub Stockholm, they pride ourselves on being a business incubator, innovation lab, and social enterprise community. Their coworking space is launchpad for purpose-driven ventures. It’s home away from home. They offer a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration and collaboration opportunities to help maximize the impact of business and projects.


THINGS® is a 2000 m2 co-working space at KTH Campus down-town Stockholm for selected start-ups with hardware as part of their solution and global ambitions. They work in areas like Internet of Things, wearable technology, medtech, 3D scanning/printing and smart grid technologies. What makes THINGS® unique is that they are independent from investors and manufacturers, our members have access to unparalleled prototyping and testing capabilities and last but not least, their partnerships with a number of the most successful and innovative export companies in Sweden.